
For Organisations

If your organisation could benefit from being part of Step Up to Net Zero, please read more about the programme and eligibility criteria below.

What is it?

Step Up to Net Zero provides funded support to Glasgow SMEs to take steps towards adopting more circular practices to meet the city’s decarbonisation and net zero targets. The UK Government fully funds these roles through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, and the programme is delivered by Glasgow Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Glasgow City Council.

Participating organisations will be provided with a bespoke Action Plan, and benefit from the support of a five-month funded work placement (16-25 hours per week) to progress this plan. This programme has already supported organisations such as SWG3, Glasgow Science Centre, Tennents Caledonian Breweries, Glasgow Film Theatre and many more.

Who is it for?

Is your organisation looking to explore your net zero opportunities; adopt circular economy principles; or work towards your decarbonisation ambitions? Now in its second phase, Step Up to Net Zero has already supported various organisations to progress towards their net zero goals. If your organisation is at the beginning of its sustainability journey; needs more direction to create change; or is simply seeking guidance to break down barriers, Step Up to Net Zero can help.

To be eligible for Step Up to Net Zero, your organisation must:

  • Have a Glasgow City Council postcode, and, if in business premises, must be registered with the Non Domestic Rates office within Glasgow City Council.
  • Be an SME (small and medium enterprise).
  • Have been trading for more than 2 years.
  • Be compliant with Minimal Financial Assistance threshold of £315,000 over the current and the previous two financial years. The threshold will not be exceeded by the amount the business will receive if successful in applying to the Step Up to Net Zero programme.
  • Have the capacity to host a participant on placement for five months.
  • Be willing to implement the recommendations set out in the Action Plan and support the placement participant in progressing the Action Plan. The scope of the placement participant’s activity would be mutually agreed with organisations following production of the Action Plan.
  • Commit to starting the placement in early November 2024.

What support is available?

Organisations who successfully apply to Step Up to Net Zero will:

  • Have a net zero assessment conducted to identify opportunities for your organisation to move towards net zero.
  • Have a bespoke Action Plan developed, with recommendations for carbon reduction, circularity and waste management.
  • Benefit from additional resource at no cost to the organisation via a fully funded 5-month placement who will focus solely on progressing the Action Plan, helping you achieve your net zero goals and improving your sustainability credentials.
  • Gain access to expert consulting support to drive the Action Plan forward and fill knowledge and/or skills gaps.
  • Support Glasgow’s workforce to gain work experience via placements and increase their employability.
  • Be invited to Step Up to Net Zero events to connect organisations; disseminate knowledge and best practice; upskill workforces; and build a supportive network.

To allow organisations to support the placement participant, we will provide organisations with the following:

  • Funding for a placement of 16-25 hours per week, paid above the Glasgow Living Wage.
  • Fund the placement participant to attend training to fulfil the needs of your organisation.
  • Fund mentoring and employability support for the placement participant throughout their placement.
  • A dedicated coordinator as a liaison for the duration of the net zero assessment and work placement.