8 March 2024

Would you be interested in helping to inspire young people about sustainable jobs and green careers?
DYW Glasgow are delighted to be working with Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and other Glasgow City Region DYW teams to host a COB Futures, a learning for sustainability event, on Monday 13 May 2024, the launch day of Glasgow’s Climate Week.
The event will run from 10am – 1pm in SWG3 and we are expecting in the region of 250 young people to attend.
The event will be hosted by Anna Devitt, and we have secured Ally Mitchells from Ocean Pots and Anna Campbell Jones as speakers.
This event is designed to support learners to choose career paths that support a sustainable future and will be lots of fun.
How you can get involved:
- Speak: Could you or one of your colleagues be on our expert panel? A panel member will need to describe their job (without saying their title!) in the ‘Guess the Job’ competition and then prepare to be quizzed by our curious young people.
- Showcase: Do you have an interactive display or piece of equipment that you could bring to showcase?
- Educate: Is there a hands-on workshop that you could present for one hour?
Please contact dyw@glasgowchamberofcommerce.com if you would like to find out more.